April 20, 2009

By Request....

Okay, here it is. Baby Eggplant? I think so....


rosa24 said...

Love the pictures of your girls and Rocco!! Lucky dogs!! I saw him running through JFK last year, but he was like a gazelle and I couldn't get a shot of him :(

Your recipe sounds awesome, but I will have to wait to try it on friends or family, since my husband and son don't like eggplant... fools that they are!

Karen, I love your blog spot... the colors, theme and content are all great! Nice job! Looking forward to more... take care... Rosa

DIDISUZ said...

I absolutely love this...all you writing AND recipes. LOVE IT! I will try the eggplant recipe when I have company. I love it. The guys don't, but I can't wait to try it. Keep up the awesome work here. Don't stop. I am so enjoying this. :-)

gmluzzi@yahoo.com said...

I still think he has a natural healthy glow ---alive oil skin ---like a true italian ------

Anonymous said...

Nice pics !! Did Rocco by chance leave a family recipe for cannoli's? I was thinking about a close friend who had a cannoli recipe- but was never able to send it to me--by the way--I am making your lemon bars next week-wish me luck! Shirleen Bennett

"Vanilla and Thyme" said...

I will do a "cannoli" theme very soon! I have some great dessert options- :)